Charline Jansen

Charline Jansen

Continent: Europe
Accepted languages: Dutch, English
Price per hour: €70
Years of experience: 5+
Hours of availability: 8
Available now: Yes

Copywriter / Blogger Customer support / Webcare Orders / reservations process SEO - (Product) Translations

Canva Later Mailchimp Powerpoint Trello

Social Media

Having worked for multiple years in communications and project management, in 2017 I was forced by a burnout to take some time off. What at first felt horrible, turned out exactly what I needed. I completed a yoga teacher training, birthed wordsbycharline and started my freelance journey in translation and copywriting.

I have a positive attitude, I am well organized, eye for details and I have great sense of responsibility. If you get to know me you know that I am open minded, emphatic, a good listener and easy to work with. I enjoy social activities as much as quiet time alone. I am driven by connection, transparency, vulnerability and humor. I like reading, writing, creating, traveling, nature, yoga, meditation and dancing. Interested in people, wellbeing, personal and spiritual development.